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Working time

Wed – Sun: 10:00 – 18:00.

Mon – Fri: 8:30 – 17:00.

Ticket office
Closes at 17:00.


Children (up to 7 years old) – Free admission
Students – 2 lv
Adults – 10 lv
Family ticket – 12 lv

Find us

Address: 92 Cherkovna Str, Sofia, Bulgaria
Phone: + 359 2/946 1805

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Visiting Hours

Wednesday – Sunday: 10.00 am – 6.00 pm


Wednesday – Sunday: 10.00 am – 6.00 pm
Closes at 5.00 pm

Cash Desk

Closes at 5.00 pm
Monday - Friday: 8.30 am - 5.00 pm


Monday – Friday: 8.30 am – 5.00 pm


Admission Fares

Children (less than 7 yrs. old) free
Pupils, Students, Retirees, Disabled Persons (permanent exhibition only, ID requested) 2 leva
Military personnel (ID requested) free
Regular Admission (includes admission to the open air and the permanent chronological exhibition) 10 leva
Collection Halls 6 leva
Temporary Exhibitions 6 leva
Open Air Exhibitions 4 leva
Family Fare (includes admission to the open air and the permanent chronological exhibition) 12 leva
Family Fare (includes admission to the collection halls and the temporary exhibitions) 12 leva
Family Fare (collection halls only) 8 leva
Family Fare (temporary exhibitions only) 8 leva
Group Fare (12–20 members) 2 leva deduction from the regular fares
Audioguide 4 leva
(with BGN 20 deposit)
VR headgear, for visitors 7-years and above, for the Open Air exhibition 4 leva
(with BGN 20 deposit)
Children’s Museum (for 1 hour) 6 leva,
per child (age 5–10)

Discounts cannot be combined

Guided Tours

Guided Tour (general), in Bulgarian / foreign language 30 leva
Guided Tour (specialized), in Bulgarian / foreign language 60 leva
Museum Tour (per person) 30 leva


Free admission
every last Wednesday of the month



National Museum of Military History

Bulgaria, 1505, Sofia
92 Cherkovna Str.
Phone: +359 2/946 1805
Fax: +359 2/946 1806

Military Mausoleum-Ossuary and Church “St. George”

11 Kamenodelska Str. 

To request a visit:

Phone: +359 2/946 18 12 – 205


 Free parking (entrance from Omurtag Street) <br> Easy access for visitors with wheelchairs

Free parking (entrance from Omurtag Street)
Easy access for visitors with wheelchairs

Guided tours


Guided tour (general), 30 leva
Guided tour (special topic) 60 leva

For advance booking of guided tours:

Mobile: +359 882 870 470

Educational programs

The National Museum of Military History offers educational programs designed to heighten awareness of history, contribute to the preservation of national memory, and assist in formulation of Bulgarian identity. The programs draw on its rich exhibition and collections, and on the highly qualified and skilled team. The programs are addressed to children and youth, with scope and content adjusted for age and interests.

Each program encompasses several topics, allowing a choice between engaging with a specific topic within a single visit, and exploring the entire module over several visits. Each topics is introduced through a multimedia backed presentation, followed by a practice session, in which the unique educational impact of the museum environment comes to the fore.

Participants are encouraged to handle authentic historical artifacts; to immerse in the authentic atmosphere of the respective period; to inhabit particular moments; to recreate historical events by re-enacting the actions of real people through role play. Each educational program culminates in a quiz with prizes for the most active participants. For the interested, there are creative challenges – drawings, essays, scale models, etc. to be completed at home and entered in a follow-up competition.


More Information:

Download a brochure

A pre-order is required by phone:

Mobile: +359 882 870 470

Children’s museum

For our little friends the National Museum of Military History opened MIG – misliteli, izobretateli, geroi Children’s Museum (in English – thinkers, inventors, heroes), a joint project with the New Bulgarian University, financed by the “America for Bulgaria” Foundation. The message of the new museum space designed for children from 3 to 12 years old ones is:  the way to resolve conflicts is through communication. The museum labyrinth comprises of four rooms, each with its own slogan:

“I lead, I decide” recreates moments related to renowned and not so familiar commanders of the Bulgarian Army. Their example inspires children to feel themselves leaders and to reveal their skills for conflict resolution.

“I can, I do” is the space in which visitors can immerse themselves in various technical Bulgarian or foreign inventions intended for military purposes, and to learn that a significant part of these innovations and technologies today are an integral part of our daily lives.

“I think, I change” is the room where small NMMH friends will be able to see and try out soldiers’ rigs, to hear the stories of the heroes that military history remembers and knows well, and to discover for themselves what heroism is, and who their hero is.

“The museum and I” is that part of an interactive labyrinth that leads to interesting exhibits and their way to the museum exhibition.

Participants themselves determine where they want to be entertain; learn new facts and events from our military history; impersonate heroes or important wartime persons, donning uniforms and accessories – hats, shoulder straps, decorations.

In the Children’s Museum you may: play and talk aloud; touch, disassemble, and examine; read books on art, great inventors, and glorious battles; make your own museum, getting to know the vast mysterious world of museum work.

Come to the NMMH, visit the Children’s Museum, and see for yourself it is not boring here, but rather entertaining, enjoyable, and useful.

Children’s Museum Terms of Service:

  • All children must be accompanied by a parent or a teacher.
  • The maximum capacity of each room is 8 children.
  • The safety of the children is responsibility of their companions.

Military training

Military education is designed for 9th and 10th grade pupils. It ensures acquisition of knowledge regarding citizens duties to country’s defense, survival measures in the event of an armed conflict crisis, and the missions and tasks of the armed forces.

The military education bestows the values and attitudes of patriotism, dignity, duty, honour and responsibility to the country.

Topics from the mandatory high school military education curriculum:


The National Museum of Military History has at its disposal a rich specialized library, comprising monographs, researches, bibliographies, periodical editions and albums, which are dedicated to heroic moments of our history.
In the Main fund of the museum is completed a literature about the military operations of the Bulgarian Army and the personalities which represent a momentum for them. There is a valuable referential literature about the participants in the military operations, the personnel, the awards and other materials, helping the grateful heirs to study their lineal history.

The Russian fund of the library consists of books, published between 1850 and 1970 in Peterburg and Moscow. The books comprise an information about the Russian campaigns on the Balkan Peninsula, the armaments of the Russian army, the Russian- Turkish wars, the military uniforms, the orders, the Russian government of Bulgaria, the fall of Pleven, etc.

In the library is preserved also a large number of French and German literature, published round 1900-1950. The books refer to important political and military events, dedicated to the Little Entente, Bulgaria after the Armistice of London, the minority question, the Jewish problem, etc.

Periodical editions Fund consists of specialized publications like:

  • “Military-historical collection” magazine from 1929 to 1995;
  • “Military magazine” with “The bulletin of the museum and of the Institute of military history” etc.

The photo type edition of Constantinople journal from 1851 to 1859 calls forth interest.

Working time 

The library is opened for readers from 9.00 am – 4.00 pm
Closed: Saturday and Sunday


Phone: 946 18 12/233