There is no other museum in Bulgaria which can present the development of the military uniform and accessories. Completed are all the models of Bulgarian military uniforms.
Preserved are uniforms from the National struggles for Liberation, a full range of Bulgarian models of military dress, Bulgarian and foreign uniforms, connected with the wars for National Liberation and Union.
The Bulgarian soldier’s uniforms from XIX c. till now and the uniforms of the Bulgarian rulers after 1879- Prince Alexander I Batenberg, Prince (since 1908 Tsar) Ferdinand I, Tsar Boris III , call forth special interest.
Pride for the collection are the field-marshal’s scepters and shoulder pieces, made for Tsar Boris III to order of the Bulgarian Army. The Military museum owns uniforms of the armies of the European countries from the end of XIX and XX cc., as well as uniforms of countries from Africa and USA.
Online Collection
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- Exhibition Unification 2020
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- Stamps
- Unification: Topic 1
- Unification: Topic 2
- Unification: Topic 3
- Unification: Topic 4
- Unification: Topic 5
- Uniforms