About us
Who we are
The National Museum of Military History (NMMH) is a state museum, which since its establishment is a structure of the Ministry of Defense (the Ministry of War and the Ministry of National Defense, respectively).
It acquires, conserves, researches, and communicates cultural valuables associated with national and European military history. NMMH operations cover the entire state territory.
Through its more than a century-long presence in the country’s cultural life, the museum collections have preserved and analyzed more than
1 000 000 cultural valuables – testimonies to Bulgarian and European military history.
The National Museum of Military History is a cultural and academic research institution, that:
- locates, studies, collects, acquires, keeps, preserves, documents, communicates, and present cultural valuables and exhibits associated with Bulgarian military history, satisfying curiosity and educational and aesthetic needs;
- is involved in activities contributing to enculturation, education and awareness;
- is involved in academic research, related to its principal operation; organizes and carries out academic events (conferences, workshops, discussions, roundtables, etc.).
Within the museum operate accredited by the Ministry of culture committees for appraisal of cultural values – weapons, decorations, and other types of artifacts, within the museum’s thematic scope.
The National Museum of Military History is specialized with regards to its thematic scope, and national with regards to the territorial extent of it operation and includes:
1. NMMH – Sofia
2. Branches:
- Naval Museum – Varna
- Park Museum of Military Friendship – 1444 “Vladislav Varnenchik” – Varna
- Aviation Museum – Krumovo
Resources and Facilities
The NMMH uses 4 ha of open air and 5000 sq. m. of indoor exhibition space.
The museum exhibitions are organized based on topics, chronology, and collections. Of the one million valuables in our collections, 28 000 exhibits are on display. In the thematic chronological galleries, recounting the development of the Bulgarian Army, the emphasis is on the participation of the armed forces in the wars for national unification. The collection halls present weapons, decorations, and uniforms – the museum’s oldest and richest collections.
The library offers access to about 15 000 volumes of specialized literature. Soon it will also offer onsite electronic access to the digitized museum collections.
The international standards compliant museum storage facilities occupy 4 200 sq. m.
In addition to its permanent exhibition area, the NMMH has spaces for temporary exhibition – a 210 sq. m. hall, a 250 sq. m. hall, and a 480 sq. m. gallery; a 200 seat occupancy conference hall rigged for simultaneous translation in up to two languages; a 60 seat occupancy conference hall; museum store; a cafeteria.
Established in 1916, today the National Museum of Military History preserves the national identity of Bulgarians as a part of European family. At the museum one gets in touch with Bulgaria’s richest state collections of weapons, uniforms, decorations, flags, sphragistics, photographs… and experience the fascinating history of heroism, ideals, and love in the greatest Bulgarian temple of immortality.
The ambition of the team is to make the NMMH a public centre for tradition, culture, and education; our children’s preferred sitе, a tourism landmark.
With Tsar Ferdinand I’s decree No. 39 of 01 August 1914, to the Bulgarian Army Headquarters was established a Military History Agency. Shortly afterwards, its makeup was fixed: it was to be comprised of a museum, archives, and a library.
By order No. 391 of 04 July 1916 of the Commander-in-Chief of the Operative Army “… in order to preserve for the eternity all items connected to the events which mark the most momentous pages in our military history…”, is given start to the formation of the museum collections.
The Military museum became the third national museum institution, following the 1906 split of the first Bulgarian National Museum in into two museums – the Archaeological and the Ethnographic.
The first exhibition of the Main Military Museum did not open until 12 May 1937, at 15, Moskovska St., in a building on lease by the Sofia Officer’s Assembly. In 1949, the Museum was renamed to Central People’s Army Museum. In 1950–1951, the Museum relocated to 23, Gen. Skobelev Blvd., where, in 1952, it unveiled a new exhibition.
In 1956, the Naval Museum in Varna became branch of the NMMH. In the same year, opened for work the first restoration workshop.
After a 1967 government agreement between Bulgaria and Hungary, the team of the Military Museum founded the only Museum of the First Bulgarian Army on foreign soil.
In 1968, by a decree of the Council of Ministers of the People’s Republic Bulgaria, the museum was raised to the status of a national institution and was renamed to National Museum of Military History. The Naval Museum and the Park-Museum of Military Friendship – 1444 “Vladislav Varnenchik” in Varna became its branches.
In 1973, is founded the academic journal “Bulletin of the National Museum of Military History”. In 2001, is founded the “Annual of the Naval Museum”.
Sonya Penkova, PhD, Assoc. Prof.
Sonya Penkova, PhD, AP
Phone: +359 2/946 18 05
е-mail: s.penkova@militarymuseum.bg
Education and training
- 1985 – Master’s degree in History, Sofia University “St. Kliment Ohridski”
– Administration and Art Management
– Bulgarian Museums Management in Market Economy
– Cultural Organizations Management - 2006 – Master’s degree in Finance, “St. Cyril and St. Methodius” University of Veliko Tarnovo
- 2008 – PhD educational and academic degree in a scientific discipline “History of Bulgaria”
Professional Experience
- 1986-1995 г. – Historian Curator in the NMMH
- 1995-2001 г. – Head of “Funds and Restoration Workshop” Department in the NMMH
- 2001-2010 г. – Deputy Director of the NMMH
- от 2010 г. – Director of the NMMH
- от 2012 г. – Associate Professor of Social and Information Sciences in University of Library Studies
and Information Technologies
- ICOM – International Council Museum, since 2008
- ICOMAM – International Committee for Museums of Arms and
Military History, since 2008 - BAMH – Bulgarian Association of Military History, since 2002
- Bulgarian Artists During World War I, Vol I. Publisher – National Museum of Military History. Sofia, 2015, 263 p.
- Bulgarian Artists during World War I, Vol.II. Publisher – National Museum of Military History. Sofia, 2015, 166 p.
- The Мuseum Network in Bulgaria: Last Тwenty Years (1889-2012). “East West”, Sofia, 2012, 269 pp.
- Co-author. Almanac of the Bulgarian Land Forces. Bulgarian infantry. Book 1. “Military History Heritage Foundation”, Sofia, 2012, 230 pp.
- Military Museums of Bulgaria: the Mutual History of the Early Years. National Museum of Military History, Sofia, 2011, 324 pp.
- For the Honor and the Glory of Bulgaria: Bulgarian Battle Flags. Studio “Vitamin art”, Sofia, 2009, 224 pp.
- Co-author. Bulgarian Bestseller. National Museum of the Bulgarian Book and Paper Printing
Design and Mechanics, Sofia, 2004, 320 pp. - Co-author. Military Monuments in Bulgaria. Publishing House “Jurukov”, Sofia, 2003, 304 pp.
- Co-author. Archives Catalogue of the National Museum of Military History, Volume 1,
Publishing Department of Ministry of Defense “St. George”, Sofia, 1996, 392 pp. - Attempt to Identify Problems Related to Military Cultural Heritage Socialization. – In: Socialization of Bulgarian Cultural Heritage,
Bulletin № 4, “Arete-Fol ” Foundation, Sofia, 2011, pp. 93-101. - The State Cultural Policy During the Second World War and the Main Military Museum (1939 – September 1944). – In: National Security
Strategy of the Republic of Bulgaria. Reports, Sofia, 2010, pp. 307 – 312. - Main Military Museum Exhibition Opening in 1937 – Military History Collection, 2008, Volume № 1, pp. 63 – 68.
- Legal and Administrative Framework for the Military Museums in the Army During the Late 19th Century Until the Early 1930s. – Bulletin
of the National Museum of Military History (NMМH), 2006, № 16, pp. 9 – 26. - The First World War and the Establishment of the Military History Museum. – Military History Collection, 2005, № 4, pp. 32 – 38.
- Serbo-Bulgarian War and the First Red Cross Awards. – Military History Collection, 2005, № 4, pp. 32 – 38.
- The First Ideas About Exhibition of the Military History Museum. – Military History Collection, 2004, № 3, pp. 72 – 89.
- Bulgarian Military Museums. Unknown Treasure. – Military History Collection, 2004, № 2, pp. 63-69.
- Bulgarian Military Museums. The National Museum of Military History – an Honorable 88-Year-Old History.
– Military History Collection, 2004, № 1, pp. 37 – 42. - First Footsteps of the Military Museum Deed in Bulgaria and “Tsar Alexander II Liberator” Committee. – Bulletin of the National Museum
of Military History, 2003, № 15, pp.78-120. - Ex Oriente lux. Attempt to Read Symbols of the Highest Insignia of the Bulgarian Kingdom. – Past, 2002, Book 2, pp. 67 – 73.
- Bulgarian State Insignias Rewarding for Southern Dobrouja Restoration. – Bulletin of the National Museum
of Military History, 2000, № 14, pp. 85 – 95. - Political Nuances Between Bulgaria and Europe in 1870s – 1880s Seen Through Phaleristics. – Bulletin of
the National Museum of Military History, 1999, № 13, pp. 75 – 97. - Creating Commemorative Medals About Early 20th Century Wars – an Attempt to Raise Funds for Military
Museum Building. – Bulletin of the National Museum of Military History, № 12, 1998, pp. 168 – 173. - Battle Flags Donated by King Boris III in 1925 – 1928. – Bulletin of the National Museum of Military History, 1995, № 10, pp. 113 – 124.
- Medals and Signs Dedicated to the Monarchy Institution in Bulgaria (1879 – 1944), Stored in the National
Museum of Military History. – Bulletin of the National Museum of Military History, 1991, № 9, pp. 70 – 83.
Doroteya Kracholova
Deputy Director
Deyana Kostova
Deputy Director
Deyana Kostova
Mobile: +359 887321106
e-mail: deyana.krasteva@gmail.com
- извършва научноизследователска дейност, съобразена с характера и обхвата на музея, като публикува резултатите от нея в научноизследователски публикации и трудове;
- участва в дейностите по научна обработка на КЦ;
- участва в изготвянето на тематично-експозиционни документи за постоянни и временни експозиции;
- организира научни и други музейни форуми и участва в такива.
Directorate for “Administrative-legal services, human resources and financial-economic activities”
Directorat’s e-mail: admin_hr@militarymuseum.bg
Antoaneta Naydenova
Phone:+359 887 629 666
e-mail: antoaneta.alexandrova@abv.bg
Galina Kraleva – Chief Accountant
Phone: +359 2/ 944 32 61
e-mail: nvim.fin@militarymuseum.bg
Directorate for “Administrative-Legal Services, Human Resources and Financial-Economic Activities”
- organizes and carries out the secretary work in NMMH;
- provides in legal terms, the lawful implementation of the competences of the Director of NMMH and realizes the procedural representation of NMMH;
- participates in the elaboration and coordinates projects of documents;
- provides in legal terms, the activity of assignment of public orders entrusted by the director of NMMH;
- organizes the activities connected with the human resources management;
- prepares the schedule of the positions and the nominal schedule of the posts in NMMH;
- prepares documents for the appointment and discharge of the employees of NMMH and for amending of their legal relations;
- organizes and operates in the provision of safe and healthy conditions of work;
- arranges the transport services of NMMH;
- organizes and carries out the financial activities in NMMH;
- Provides in legal terms, the management and the use of real properties consigned for the management to NMMH;
- organizes and carries out the supplying of inventory, equipment, expendables and other materials;
- organizes and controls the security of NMMH.
Slaveya Surcheva – Director of “Public Engagement, PR, and Marketing” Directorate
- Phone: +359 886678701
- e-mail: nvim.pr@gmail.com
Public Relations
Mobile: +359 889909862 – Temenuga Hasekieva
- carries out the public relations activities of the museum;
- realizes the marketing and advertising policies of NMMN;
- performs all the activities for the entire organization and functioning of the exposition;
- performs guide services for the visitors of the exhibitions;
- develops and implements the museum educational activities;
- develops and supports connections with schools, universities and public organizations in order to implement
- the educational mission of the National Museum of Military History;
- takes part in the development of thematic-expositional documentation for permanent and temporary
- exhibitions and their implementation and renewal;
- participates in the scientific registration of Movable Cultural Valuables, received at the NMMH – Sofia;
- participates in commissions’ activities, described in the Cultural Heritage Act.
Diana Ivanova – Director of “Funds and Conservation-Restoration Activities” Directorate
- Phone: +359 2/946 18 07
- E-mail: d.ivanova@militarymuseum.bg
- carries out activities related to explorating, studying and collecting the Movable Cultural Valubles (MCV);
- forms the primary museum documentation;
- arranges the receiving of Movable Cultural Valuables at the funds of NMMH – Sofia in accordance with the law;
- carries out the distribution of MCV at a base, exchangeable and scientific-auxiliary fund and scientific archives;
- implements conservation and protection of the MCV fund;
- performs physical service of the MCV fund through the restoration workshop;
- processes scientifically and registers the received MCV in the incoming records book of the fund and in the inventory collection books;
- participates in the development of thematic-expositional plans for permanent and temporary exhibitions and their implementation;
- participates in completing the electronic database of the MCV fund;
- participates in the preparation of the specialized scientific and informational editions of the museum;
- participates in the activities of commissions, according to the Cultural Heritage Act;
- ensures the preparation of references, publications, films, etc.;
Valeria Bineva – Director of Directorate „International and Project Activities, IT Applications”
e-mail: nvim.bg@gmail.com
Mobile: +359 886604243
- implements the cultural exchanges with similar institutions in the country and abroad;
- develops and implements programs and projects;
- takes part in the preparation of the specialized scientific and informational editions of NMMH;
- provides for the information-library needs of the staff and the visitors of NMMH;
- develops and maintains an electronic database;
- implements the digitalization of the NMMH fund;
- realizes the administration of the computer equipment and the network of NMMH;
- develops, administrates and updates the websites of NMMH and its branches;
Mariana Krasteva, PhD – Director of Branch “Naval Museum”
- Phon/Fax: 052/731523
- e-mail: mus_maritime@abv.bg
- carries out activities related to investigating, studying and collecting of Movable Cultural Valuables (MCV),
forms the primary museum documentation; - arranges receiving of the MCV in the funds of the branch according to the law;
- carries out the distribution of MCV at the base, exchangeable scientific-auxiliary fund and scientific archives;
implements conservation and protection of the MCV fund; - processes scientifically and registers the received MCV in the incoming records book of the fund and in the inventory collection books;
- participates in the development and implementation of thematic-expositional plans for permanent and temporary exhibitions;
- participates in completing the electronic database of the MCV fund;
- takes part in the preparation of the specialized scientific edition “Annual Proceedings of the Naval Museum”;
- participates in the activities of commissions, according to the Cultural Heritage Act;
- ensures the preparation of references, publications, films, etc.;
- does scientific researches;
- fulfils all the activities of the entire organization and functioning of the exposition;
- carries out guide services to the visitors of the expositions and the exhibitions.
- The sea in the international relationships and the external politics of Bulgaria 1944- 1949, Varna, 2005;
- The Bulgarian naval forces 1879- 2006 (compiler in co-authorship with At. Panaiotov), S., 2006
- The Bulgarian – Greek religious dispute as an occurrence in the public life of Varna. (Since the Liberation till the wars) – in Religious culture, 1955, №11
- The Bulgarian naval officer’s corps 1944 – 1947 – in Naval scientific forum, Varna, 1998, vol.4;
- The conference for determination of the Danube river statute and Bulgaria in the context of post-war international relationships – in International relationships,1999, №3
- The originator of the hydrographic work in Bulgaria.(Boris Rogev – Captain I rank) – in Prominent scientists – naval officers, Varna, 1999
- Published and unpublished memoirs of naval officers as source about the history of the Bulgarian naval forces – in Bulletin of Military history scientific society (MHSS, or VIND), 1999, vol.64
- Preparation of the officer’s staff for the naval forces by the Naval Department of the Military School (1930 – 1945) (in co-authorship with G. Antonov) – in Military History Collection, 1999, №4
- The participation of France in the establishment and development of the Bulgarian military fleet – Annual Proceedings of the Naval Museum, Varna, 2001, vol.I
- International aspects of the Bulgarian merchant navigation (1944 – 1948) – in Annual Proceedings of the Naval Museum, Varna, 2001, vol. I
- The Bulgarian marine and Danube navigation on a basis of the Truce Agreement (1944-1947) – in Naval scientific forum, Varna, 2001 , vol.7
- The stand of Bulgaria regarding the Straits question and the executing of the convention from Montreux during the first years after World War II – in Military History Collection, S., 2001, №2
- The Paris peace treaty from 1947 and the Bulgarian naval forces – in Reports Collection from the anniversary scientific conference “Army, state, society” on the occasion of the 50th anniversary of the Central Military Archives, V.Tarnovo, October 5, 2001
- Problems of the Bulgarian military Shipbuilding and Ship-repairs (1919- 1947) (in co-authorship with At. Panaiotov) – in Annual Proceedings of the Naval Museum, Varna, 2002, vol.II
- The Black sea and the Danubian Dobrudja bank in the post-war Bulgarian – Romanian relationships (1945 – 1947) – in Bulgaria after 1944 – history, problems, tendencies. Collection of reports. Shumen, 2002
- Bulgaria in the sphere of the Russian geopolitical interests on the Balkans (1944-1952) (According to the reports of French diplomats and military attaches in Bulgaria) – in a Journal of the State Archives, S., 2003, vol.82
- The sailings of “Libertad” and “Salvador” with Hebrews-emigrants to the coast of Palestine in 1940 (in co-authorship with At .Panaiotov)- in Annual Proceedings of the Naval Museum. Varna, 2003, vol.III
- Scientific-research activity in the Naval Museum. Bibliography. – in Annual Proceedings of the Naval Museum. Varna, 2003, vol.III
- The doyen of the Bulgarian naval historiography rear admiral Sava Ivanov (1891-1958) – acknowledged and unknown. – in 90 years organized military historical researches in Bulgaria. Reports of and scientific information collection, hold on an international scientific conference in Sofia, 26-27 October 2004, S., 2004
- Burgas as a base post of the navy and its place in the defense system of Bulgaria (1879 – 1944) (in co-authorship with At. Panyotov) – in Pages from the history of the naval base – Burgas, Varna, 2004
- Naval base Burgas – formation, tasks and activity (1944 – 1950) – in Pages from the history of the naval base – Burgas, Varna, 2004
- The establishment of the Naval museum – personalities, ideas, institutions. – Region historical museum (RHM) V.Tarnovo, Bulletin – the Museum – finds, events, personalities. Reports and announcements from the VIII museum readings…, vol. XIX, Veliko Tarnovo, 2004
- Bulgaria and the Hebrew emigration on sea from Europe to Palestine 1944-1949 – in Crucial times. Anniversary collection in honor of professor Lubomir Ognianov. S., 2006
- The Bulgarian naval forces – under the shade of the big wars of the XX c. or a product of the Bulgarian national politics. – in Annual Proceedings of the Naval museum. Varna, 2005, vol.IV-V
- Captain 1st rank G. Krupov (1884 – 1959), biographical essay – in Annual Proceedings of the Naval museum, Varna, 2008, vol.VI
- Black sea and Danube river in the native historical researches (2000 – 2008 review) – in Annual Proceedings of the Naval museum, Varna, 2009, vol.VII
- The beginning of the Bulgarian Black sea navy by documents – in Annual Proceedings of the Naval museum, Varna, 2009, vol.VII
- 110 years of Bulgarian Navy Headquarters (1899 – 2009) – in Annual Proceedings of the Naval museum, Varna, 2009, vol.VII
- Bulgarian and French Navy in the relations of both countries (1878 – 2010) (in co-authorship), Varna, 2011
- Rear admiral Ivan Variklechkov (1891 – 1974) and his times (in co-authorship), Varna, 2011
- The Bulgarian Naval Shipbuilding and Ship-repair between the Neuilly and Paris Peace Treaties (1919-1947). (with At. Panayotov). – Proceedings of the 22nd International Conference on Hydrodynamics and Aerodynamics in Marine Engineering and Third Joint Conference of BRASS and BINSA, 01-04 October 2001, Varna, vol. 2
- Le problème du débouché maritime bulgare sur la Mer Egée pendant les premières années après la Deuxième guerre mondiale. Aspirations nationales et realité politique. – Bulgarian Historical Review, S., 2003, vol. 1-2
- Le littoral maritime et Danubien de la Dobroudja et les rélations bulgaro-roumaines (1944-1947) – Études Balkaniques, S., 2004, vol. 4
Nevyan Mitev – Director of Branch „Park-museum of Military Friendship – 1444 “Vladislav Varnenchik”
- Phone: 052/74-03-02
- е-mail: vl.varnenczik@abv.bg
- carries out activities related to investigating, studying and collecting of Movable Cultural Valuables,
- forms the primary museum documentation;
- arranges in legal terms, the adoption of the MCV in the funds of the branch ;
- carries out the distribution of MCV at the base, exchangeable scientific and auxiliary fund and scientific records;
- implements the conservation and the protection of the fund of MCV;
- processes scientifically and registers the entered MCV in the incoming record book of the fund and the inventory books of the collections;
- participates in the development and the implementation of thematic- expositional plans for permanent and temporary exhibitions;
- participates in completing of the electronic database of the fund from MCV;
- participates in the activities of commissions envisaged in the law on the cultural heritage;
- ensures the preparation of references, publications, films, etc.;
- makes researches;
- accomplishes all the activities in the integral organization and functioning of the exposition;
- carries out guide services to the visitors of the expositions and the exhibitions.
Radka Banyalieva of Branch “Aviation Museum”
- Phone: +359 32/63 66 77
- Fax: +359 32/ 63 66 78
- е-mail: airmuseum.bg@gmail.com
- carries out activities related to investigating, studying and collecting of Movable Cultural Valuables,
- forms the primary museum documentation;
- arranges in legal terms, the adoption of the MCV in the funds of the branch;
- carries out the distribution of MCV at the base, exchangeable scientific and auxiliary fund and scientific records;
- implements the conservation and the protection of the fund of MCV;
- processes scientifically and registers the entered MCV in the incoming record book of the fund and the inventory books of the collections;
- participates in the development and the implementation of thematic- expositional plans for permanent and temporary exhibitions;
- participates in completing of the electronic database of the fund from MCV;
- participates in the activities of commissions envisaged in the law on the cultural heritage;
- ensures the preparation of references, publications, films, etc.;
- makes researches;
- accomplishes all the activities in the integral organization and functioning of the exposition;
- carries out guide services to the visitors of the expositions and the exhibitions.
Partnerships and relationships
Мinistry of Defence
Bulgarian Museums
National Museum of History
National Archaeological Institute with Museum
National Gallery
National Park-Museum “Shipka-Buzludzha” – Kazanlak
Regional Museum of history, Burgas
Regional Museum of History, Kustendil
Regional Museum of History, Plovdiv
Regional Museum of History, Pazardzhik
Regional Museum of History, Ruse
Archaeological Museum Varna
Regional Museum of History, Stara Zagora
Regional Museum of History, Blagoevgrad
Archaeological Museum Plovdiv
Polytechnic Museum
National Museum „Earth and Man”
Regional Museum of Military History – Pleven
Association “Bulgarian Museum”
Association of Bulgarian tour operators and travel agents
MoD Military History Institute and Museum, Hungary
Мuseum of London
Deutsches Historisches Museum
The Louvre, Paris
Musée de l’Armée Invalides, Paris
The State Hermitage, St. Petersburg
The Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York
Higgins Armory Museum
The National Museum, Prague
The National Museum of Denmark
Landguard Fort
National Army Museum, UK
Tank Museum – Wareham, UK
Intrepid Sea-Air-Space Museum
Imperial War Museums, UK
Commonwealth War Graves Commission
Virtual Library museums pages
HGM Heeresgeschichtliches Museum
The National Museum of Military History is a member of:
National Museum of Military History
Sofia, 1505, 92 Cherkovna Str.
Buses: 9, 72, 120, 305, 413Trams: 20, 23
Military mausoleum-ossuary
and church "St. George"
Sofia, 1202, 11 Kamenodelska Str.
20, 21-22, 20М, 79, 85, 86, 285, 309
3, 4, 18
Contact address
Bulgaria, 1505, Sofia,
92 Cherkovna Str.,
Buses: 9, 72, 120, 305, 413,
Trams: 20, 23
Military mausoleum-ossuary and church “St. George”
Contact address and request for visits
11 Kamenodelska Str.
Phone numbers:
Phone:+359 2/946 18 12 , 205
Phone: +359 2/946 1805
Fax: +359 2/946 1806
Working time
Wednesday – Sunday: 10.00 am – 18.00 pm
Ticket sales end at 17 pm.
Monday – Friday: 8.30 am – 17.00 pm