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Mon – Fri: 8:30 – 17:00.

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of the Bulgarian Army

The Bulgarian Volunteer Corps became the core of the established by order No 1 of 15 July 1878 Bulgarian Territorial Army. The latter was built up as a standing army on the principle of conscription and featured four branches: infantry, artillery, cavalry, and sapper troops. In August of 1879, was formed the Navy. The Bulgarian Territorial Army could not meet the 84 750 men goal, and at the end of 1878, its strength was just 31 400 men.

For the education of the future officers, in November of 1878, in Sofia opened the Military School, which enrolled 255 junkers [cadets], and further 132 were sent to military schools in Russia. In Veliko Tarnovo opened the Training Battalion, for NCOs, as well as military schools for medical assistants in Sofia, Plovdiv, Veliko Tarnovo, and Tatar Pazardzhik (today – Pazardzhik).

On 5 July 1879, within the first Bulgarian government was constituted the Ministry of War, the highest military administrative institution in Bulgaria, ensuring the defence of state sovereignty, national independence, and the country’s territorial integrity. On 17 December 1879, “The Provisional Rules of the Bulgarian Troops” came into force, which served as first law of the armed forces. Every Bulgarian citizen between 21 and 40 was subject to military service. The troops were manned on territorial principle.