The wars for national unification through the eyes of Boris Denev – joint exhibition of the National Museum of Military History
The joint exhibition „Etudes from the Frontline“ of the National Museum of Military History and Art Gallery „Boris Denev“ will be inaugurated on February 7, 2018 at 18.00 p.m. at the gallery’s building in Veliko Turnovo.
The exhibition, dedicated to the 135th anniversary since the the birth of the legendary Bulgarian artist Boris Denev, will present 30 of his works, preserved at the National Museum of Military History, which display the military event at the fronts of the wars for national unification. With his bold and precise painting the prominent master of the brush reflects the atmosphere of the frontlines, creating characteristic, vibrant and influential images.
Boris Denev graduates Art painting at the Art Academy in Munich. He participates in exhibitions in Berlin (1915), Prague (1926), Belgrade (1933), Venice (1942). Until 1943 he holds 25 individual exhibitions. During the Balkan Wars (1912 – 1913) he is a volunteer in 20-th Infantry Regiment of the 5-th Infantry Danube Division. From the 170 painting that he made during the war 71 are preserved at the National Museum of Military History.